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Use of Index Manager in cPanel

Use of Index Manager in cPanel

This demo assumes you’ve already logged in to cPanel, and are starting on the home screen.

Now let’s learn how to use the Index Manager.

To modify a directory’s index settings, follow these steps:

Click the Indexes icon.

Below is the steps use of index manager:-

The Index Manager enables you to control how directories on your website are displayed.

If there is no index.html file in a given directory, the contents of that directory will be listed in a browser. This can cause security issues.

With Index Manager, you can set your account up to not allow your directory contents to be shown.

Let’s setup Index Manager for the clients directory.

There are four settings to choose from.

Use of Index manager


use of index manager

Since we do not want the contents of this directory shown, we’ll choose the No Indexing option.
That’s it! The index settings have been updated, and visitors can no longer view the contents of the clients directory.
It’s just as easy to switch back to the default setting.

No Indexing does not allow directory contents to be shown. No files will appear for this directory if a default file is missing.

This mode shows a simple list of the files present if the default file is missing.

This mode shows a list of files and their attributes: file size and file type.


This is the end of the tutorial. You now know how to setup index directory protection for any of your directories.

And if you like the post click here to check memory usage on CentOS Server.